Safex Newsletter No.80 May 2024

Welcome to the 80th SAFEX Newsletter. A third of the year has already sped past and SAFEX has been very busy serving the industry.
- GPG 12 has been completed and posted on our website : English version - Spanish version
- Webinar 6 – Management of Change – was successfully hosted by EPC Groupe and an article by Thierry Rousse explains the outcome of the Webinar in this Newsletter.
- A new eLearning Module in Conjunction with ENAEX in Chile, ‘Why we need to do Periodic Hazard Studies on existing plants’ has been developed and now been launched on the SAFEX website.
- The date and place for the SAFEX Congress XXI was pinned down: Please note this important event, hosted by ORICA, in your calendar.
- A new GPG on Management of Change is under preparation. The development of an ESP eLearning Module is well advanced, which will also result in the update of the current ESP GPG on the Website. Work has also been initiated on an Explosives Security GPG.
The global explosives industry plays a crucial role in various sectors, including mining, construction, and military operations. However, working with explosives also carries significant risks, which is why safety measures are of utmost importance. SAFEX International is a leading organization dedicated to promoting safety within the explosives industry. With our expertise and resources, we provide training programs, guidelines, and support to ensure that companies and individuals adhere to best practices when handling explosives. By partnering with SAFEX International, businesses can enhance their safety protocols and minimize the risk of accidents or mishaps. So, whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, SAFEX International is there to assist you in maintaining a safe work environment while maximizing efficiency and productivity.
- We start this Newsletter off with a safety message from Joakim Westerlund, CEO of the Forcit Group with Head Office based in Finland. The commitment of our industry leaders is critical to safety in the explosives environment.
- John Rathbun, our Chairman, presents a message on the first anniversary of the Salzburg Manifest, which we reported on last year.
- A presentation given by Dr Boet Coetzee on a tragic dynamite explosion that took place in Johannesburg in 1896 reminds us that small mistakes can result in a catastrophic event.
- Christo Peltz from AECI Mining reminds us of how important a culture off safety is in our industry. A culture of safety is synonymous with survival.
- Marion Lovgren, who heads the Distribution Expert Panel of Orica presents a document that proposes a layered approach on technology, processes and people to reduce the probability of accidents and security incidents.
- Andy Begg, who heads up the SAFEX Expert Panel presents a document intended to give anyone who makes use of the BOS e-module and PowerPoint presentation on the Website the reason why Explosives BOS was first developed.
- Dr Martin Held introduces a new eLearning module with the title "Why we need to do Periodic Hazard Studies on existing plants".
- PFAS is a class of chemicals with several definitions. Some regulations define them as chemicals that contain at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. Dan Reinke from Chemring, comments on these chemicals and their proposed banning from use and impact on the industry. He also encloses EU Aerospace Industry PFAS comments for information.
- It is always useful to reflect on findings from previous audits and those from other facilities and then, from these, to assess whether there has been an improvement in one’s own operations. Mervyn Traut an Individual Associate Member of SAFEX, reminds us of the importance of these audits.
- Diane Ginnane discusses creating a mentally healthy workplace and workforce that is critical to meeting Incitec Pivot Ltd/Dyno’s value of Zero Harm and raising the standard of how we assess and manage psychosocial risk across their business.
- Is the regulatory framework that you are working in flexible enough to allow you to do a comprehensive, competent risk assessment and legally adopt changes to your operations that balance the hazards and the desired safety outcome? This question is asked by Ken Price a member of the SAFEX Expert Panel in his article on Tyre Fires.
I hope with this Newsletter that SAFEX manages to assist you to improve your safety offering to our industry !