Good Practice Guides (GPG)
One of the ways we have elected to capture some of the essentials of good explosives practice is through Good Practice Guides (GPG’s). These are synonymous with “Codes of Practice”; a term which we have preferred not to use as it has an official ring to it. The term “Code of Practice” suggests everyone has signed-off on it which is not necessarily the case with a SAFEX GPG. In SAFEX’s case GPG’s are one of the primary Workgroup products.
Topical Paper Series
The papers in SAFEX’s Topical Paper Series acknowledges the work done by the SAFEX community in promoting better health, safety and environmental (HS&E) performance in the explosives industry. This community comprises representatives of Member companies, Associate Members and Expert Panel members. Collaborators that are not part of the SAFEX Community can also be invited to submit papers for consideration in this Series. The papers can be based on presentations at events, published articles or even original work in the explosives HS&E field. The information in these papers should be topical and of interest to other SAFEX members. In keeping with its mission of exchanging relevant HS&E information among its