Safex Newsletter No.79 October 2023

Executive Summary Newsletter 79

Welcome to SAFEX’ s latest Newsletter, I hope you will enjoy and find much learning in it. The year is speeding to an end with the world in a much changed position since it started. The turmoil in the Middle East and Russia/Ukraine impacts on all and we hope for a quick resolution as far as the tragic hostilities are concerned. These changes are part of our ongoing evolution as individuals and companies on this earth. It should motivate to embrace change and equip us to play a major part in developing a safer explosives industry. The quote by JF Kennedy is very appropriate:

“Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."

The SAFEX Governors has been very busy this year with a very successful Congress in Salzburg and Webinar 5 on MOC planned for the 27th of November chaired by Thierry Rousse and hosted by EPC. Planning for Congress XXI has also started, and it will be held in Lisbon, Portugal hosted by Orica.

A large number of initiatives have also been started with completion planned for end of 2024.

SAFEX also welcomes the following two new company members and look forward to their active participation in our activities:

For me it only remains to wish you a safe last few months of 2023 and for you and your families to enjoy the upcoming Festive Season. Your continued support in 2024 will remain appreciated and I wish you and your Companies a prosperous time going forward.

SAFEX New Initiatives

The New initiatives will see a much user-friendly website with a proper search engine as well as a number of new animated learning modules sponsored by various companies:

  • ESD Training (Chemring)
  • Nitric Acid Fume Off Incident (ENAEX)
  • Argyle Burning Ground Incident (ORICA)
  • Porgera Incident (DYNO)

These modules are incidents that occurred in member companies and cleared for use as learning subject matter by the individual CEOs, reiterating their commitment to the Salzburg Manifesto.
Several new Good Practise Guides are under development by Working Groups made up of members from our global community:

  • ANE Transport (Dr Noël Hsu - Orica)
  • Explosives Transport (Dr Noël Hsu - Orica)
  • ESD update (Dan Reinke – Chemring)
  • Shock Tube (Dyno -Stephenie De Nichilo)
  • Primaries (Ralf Weber -Austin Powder)
  • Process Safety Incidents (Neil Franklin- AECI)

The GPG on ANE Transport is being developed as a high priority under Dr Noël Hsu’s leadership and apart from our membership, Corporate Associate Members like the IME, AEISG and CERL are also involved. A Teams Meeting is planned for early November. If you want to participate in this important event, please contact me or Noel urgently.

Your participation in any of the above initiatives will be welcomed -please come forward and represent your companies.